Trauma da Immigrazione: Comprendere i Sintomi e le Strategie di Guarigione
Emigrare è un passo coraggioso ricco di sfide che possono influenzare profondamente il tuo benessere emotivo. Il trauma da immigrazione è un’esperienza complessa…
Navigating Immigration Trauma: Understanding Symptoms, and Healing Strategies
Embarking on a journey of migration is a courageous step filled with challenges that can deeply impact your emotional well-being. Immigration trauma is a complex experience…
Riconnettersi Oltre il Phubbing: Riconquistare l’Intimità nella Tua Relazione
In un mondo pieno di tecnologia e connettività costante, il fenomeno del “phubbing” è diventato sempre più diffuso in molte relazioni.
Navigating Setbacks in Trauma Healing: Steps to Move Forward
Healing from trauma is a complex journey that often involves progress, setbacks, and moments of resilience. Setbacks are a natural part of this process, and experiencing one doesn’t invalidate the progress made.
Reconnecting Beyond Phubbing: Reclaiming Intimacy in Your Relationship
In a world filled with technology and constant connectivity, the phenomenon of “phubbing” has become increasingly prevalent in many relationships. Phubbing, a term combining…
Reach Out Today!
Start moving toward a new, fulfilling path with Dr. Mariella Lauriola at Trauma Healing Therapy. To get in touch you can go to our contact page or call directly at (408) 389-4075 to get started.